Ramblings From The Road
So I've been off of vacation for about a month but I haven't had time to write. Too busy with "Gypsy". I went to Italy on vacation. I am endeavoring to get my Italian passport. One of my grandparents was not naturalized when he emigrated to America. He was murdered instead, very convenient for his ancestors. I just need to find where and when he was born so I can get his birth certificate. His name was Vincenzo Patti and they say he was born in Montemaggiore, Sicily. I figure between 1875 and 1880. Go to it pals, find the man and his birth certificate. He ended up dead in Jamestown, NY as James Patti. Apparently it was splashed all over the front page of the Jamestown newspapers, "JAMES PATTI MURDERED." Dolls, help me out here, I need that Italian passport. Why? For my son's sake. What a mess this world is. If we send bombs to Israel we had better be building bomb shelters for the people of Lebanon. What is going on? Everybody wants peace, I know it. And, you know, I think back to Vanessa Redgrave and her politics of the 60's and 70's........
On to Italy.
I had the most spectacular time in just 5 days. Now I know it can be
done. One can travel to and enjoy the splendor of Europe in a week.
Not my ideal. I figure if you go, it should be for a couple of months...
or years... however... my family and I went to Rome and Positano. Rome
was as I remembered it when I shot an Italian movie there in 1986. It's
where my husband and I fell in love. We went to our hotel by the Spanish
Steps and the same bartender was there 20 years later, Antonio. However
the Bellinis were 16 euros a piece. We met my Director, John Doyle and
his partner Robert Wilson in Rome and spent 2 wonderful days with them.
They showed us places I had never seen, the Jewish Ghetto, Trestevere,
the Pantheon, Capitoline Hill (the place to view the Roman Forum). We
had two wonderful dinners together. I cannot wait to return to Rome.
It should happen, we threw coins into the Fontana de Trevi.
On to Positano.
We attended my friend Peter Weller's wedding to a beautiful Georgia
peach, Sheri Stowe. We stayed at the wonderful Palazzo Murat and marveled
at the ease and freedom of the Italian personality. As an Italian I
resent anyone who thinks Italians are crazy drivers. Why, when they
drive, they're like a school of fish. Head to tail, tail to head. I
was nervous once, then I drank some Italian vino and lived La Dolce
Vita in La Vida Loca. I am proud to be an Italian. I make so much sense
to myself when I am in Italy. The hitting, the yelling, the boisterous
laughter, the bursts of tears. I do believe that's where I will end
up.... if I find the birth certificate.
Back to Broadway.
I am still in love with my cast. How lucky am I? Ten months into the
run and we are still fresh. I know I'll never have another experience
quite like this one. I hope I do, but the chances are slim.
I want to talk about Mark Jacoby. I love an actor with discipline and consistency on top of creative spontaneity. That is Mark Jacoby. I hope that I work with this man again. I hope I play opposite this actor. It's so much fun to watch him work.
On to Connecticut.
It's a beautiful, sunny, humidity free, clear day in CT. I want to enjoy
Until next month.
Love, Patti