Ramblings From The Road
Hi Dolls,
First of all let me thank you all for my Birthday wishes. They were deeply appreciated.
Second, let me say there is a strange attachment coming into the Ask Patti section of the website. If some of you do not get a response from me, it may be because the email you sent became about all the pills I could buy on line. I get at least 20 emails a day concerning pills. Does someone know something about me that I don't know? Do I need these pills? Is a short temper in evidence? Is my sex drive or the lack thereof showing? Oh well.
I'm in rehearsal for "Candide" with The NY Philharmonic. It's a wonderful cast and it goes without saying, a wonderful orchestra.
These fast concerts are getting harder for me.... or am I getting lazy? Getting lazy? I've always preferred sleeping to just about anything else. Anyway, the fear and nervousness are setting in. Why do I do it? It takes minutes off my life.
A restaurant recommendation... Geisha, 33 East 61st street, 212-813-1150....... if you can get in. It is such good food if you like Japanese and I love Japanese food.
I'm sensing anti-Americanism ........ at home in NYC.... in euro-restaurants. It pisses me off..... This is my city and my country, however, we have had it coming. I just don't know how I feel about it so close to home. In New York City, one of the most international cities in the world. I am so tender and beat up emotionally over this war. I can't even look at road kill without thinking of the violence that ended the poor animal's life. I think of all the soldiers on all of the sides. The abuse of Iraqi soldiers by American soldiers. How much more lost will we become before some leader, any leader, leads us out of all this?
Happy Mother's Day..
Love, Patti